Aktionswoche Food Waste

Food Waste Campaign Week

29th September to 6th October, 2021


Why do we throw so much away?

Doesn’t taste good anymore, bought too much, package too big, cooked too much, stored incorrectly, lost track, leftovers not used, expired best-before date – almost everyone cares about avoiding food waste. But statistically, at least 75 kilograms of food are thrown away per capita and year in German private households. In total, more than six million tonnes of food end up in the rubbish every year. We could avoid a large part of it.

Under the motto #germanysavesfood, the nationwide action week, which Beer Grill supports, will take place from 29th September to 6th October. It is dedicated to the topic of food appreciation valuation. Hands-on activities on site and numerous online campaign formats show great ideas on how we can save food, use it sensibly. Information on the campaign week is available at www.deutschland-rettet-lebensmittel.de. Visit www.zugutfuerdietonne.de for even more information and tips on how to save food, as well as many creative leftover recipes.



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+41 56 618 78 00
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